Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Everything has changed.

My clothing sizes have changed. My stamina has changed. My eating habits have changed. My stress levels have changed. My priorities have changed.

Simply put, I have changed.

On September 13th, I embarked on a journey. I was full of hope and excitement. But then again, I was always full of hope and excitement when I started new diets. I had no idea of knowing that this time would be different. That the changes would really come from the inside out. But they have.

So many things have made my success possible. I am at home and my family has been so supportive and we have made this journey together. Both my parents have lost weight as well and we have cheered each other on all along. We were competing for money but it was so much more than that. It was wanting for all of us to be healthy. Several weeks I had the lowest percentage of weight loss (even one week when I lost nearly 5 pounds) but I was always happy to have that problem because it meant that one of my parents had a good week.

And as funny as it sounds, I think I have finally become ok with being a little selfish. I have spent money on myself - be in my trainer, my bodybugg, or my new workout clothes. I am more selfish with my time. I am still a good person and still want to help people but I have finally gotten where I put myself above some. I've always had a hard time putting myself first. But by putting everyone else before me, I have gotten to ths place. But its getting easier. I find time to workout and I actually enjoy that time. I don't feel guilty spending money on my trainer or new tennis shoes. I put a picture on my phone a month ago that says "The Time is Now." And you know what, I actually believe it.

Tonight I registered for a 5K race called The Resolultion Run. It's a 5K that begins at midnight on New Year's Eve, set to the backdrop of fireworks. It's going to be cold. It's going to be a blast. And its symbolic. Just like the last three months, next year is all about change and my new life. It's about embracing my new life - eating right, taking on new challenges. This race is a challenge. I have no illusions that I will run a 5K. But I will run some of it. And I will walk the rest proudly, with Khrista by my side. Not only will it be a good workout, but it will be a symbol. Things are happening and changing and there is no turning back.

Yes, I am changing. And it feels so great.

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