Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Top Ten List

My last post was deep and kind of depressing. But I was kind of in a rough place. But I’m doing better and had a brilliant idea for a new blog while shaving my legs in the shower today…. As you can tell, it’s going to be a little more lighthearted.

There are so many things about this new life that I love. Some are big and some are simply silly (like what dawned on me in the shower). So I am going to share my current top ten list with you….. drum roll please.

My Top Ten

10. I have tons more dirty laundry at the end of each week. Yes, I know you are wondering why in the world I would love more laundry. I love the extra work because it means that I have been taking care of business at the gym. As my fellow friends know, when you work out five or six days a week, you dirty up a ton more clothes. It means I have to wash workout clothes at least once a week. But you know, it’s a good burden to have.

9. The shower revelation: I have definition in my calf muscles. Yes, is silly and yes, my calf muscles are still large to carry around my body but I have definition in them. It’s not just one huge muscle, you can actually see where the different muscles are. I never thought calf muscles were really sexy but as I see mine change and grow, maybe calf muscles are sexy.

8. Crystal Light Single Serving packets. These absolutely rock my world. I don’t mind plain water and I still drink plenty of it. (Especially at the gym, I need plain water after a good workout!). But during the day, especially when its cold, Crystal Light makes it go down a little easier. And if you read the box very carefully, several flavors have caffeine. And one of them has a HUGE amount of caffeine. And lets me honest, some days we just need a pick me up.

7. I look forward to the gym. The past couple days have been crazy busy for me with plays, debate, etc. So Thursday and Friday of this week became my rest days. And I will admit. I cheat. I typically only take one “real” rest day a week. So I took two this week (my trainer will be happy). And today – after getting released from my debate duties, I couldn’t wait to get to the gym. I was almost giddy as I pulled into the parking lot. It was like seeing a long lost friend after a long absence. And it had been two days.

6. Spinning. I love spinning. In fact, I’m kind of obsessed with it. I hear a new song on the radio and I think – that would be a great song for a spin soundtrack. Today when I went to the gym I went into the spin room, put on my Velcro spin shoes and did my own class. But before I started I clicked through my iPOD and listened to beats. I picked two long songs for endurance rides (5 mins and two songs together that added up to 7 mins, 30 seconds) and then I started. I’m completely in love.

5. Zumba. It’s just fun. Even the classes with the “boring” instructor can be fun. Last week, one of my friends in the class and I thought we would spice it up. We were on the next to back row, with a couple clueless (and coordination-less) guys behind us. We kept throwing in our own dance moves. Then I told her it was time to doing the Beyonce booty – I went into a squat position and started shaking with the good lord gave me. I laughed and then remembered I had the guys behind me. One of them stopped and looked a little shell shocked. Glad I could entertain him. But even in the classes with Kenyatta, my favorite instructor, I put my own stamp on the dances. I mean, that’s what a true dancer does, right?

4. My Confidence. I’ve always acted confident in every aspect of my life. And in many of them, I was really confident. But in many others, I just pretended well. But that’s changing. I’m finding a confidence in myself that I haven’t ever really felt before. It’s pretty cool.

3. Makeup. This one is for my friend Cortney. For years, she’s harped me to look nice when I go to work. She would tease me about only wearing makeup when I had a special occasion. My students at school would always question me when I wore makeup – asking me if I had a date (and they were usually right). But earlier this semester, I started putting makeup on in the mornings. Sometimes during the commute, sometimes waiting for my windshield to defrost and sometimes during first period conference, I put it on every day. And I have to admit, even though I will never hear the end of it, I actually like how I look with makeup on. What a concept.

2. Conquering Stairs. I teach in a mammoth old building. It’s three stories tall and sprawling. At the beginning of the year, I dreaded going to the office or the copy room or anywhere. But not anymore. Now, I’m happy to make that third trip to the office. And if I have to go to an office upstairs, its all good. It’s more steps on my bodybugg. And the stairs don’t conquer me.
I conquer them.

1. Being healthy. I never imagined I would find such great joy in being healthy. I enjoy good food made with fruits and vegetables. Mom and I have started to really enjoy looking up low-fat recipes. I like that I don’t dread going to the gym or walking upstairs. I like that I can hang with anyone in spin class. I like that my body thanks me for taking so much weight off of it. There are a lot of perks to being thinner but the simple fact is that I want to be healthy. And this time, I’m going to be.


  1. Calf muscles are sexxxy!!! Now, spinning, I think that might just be crazy :P

  2. Just found your blog! So proud of you! And yay for writing a blog so I can keep up!
    Read your comment today & Cowboy Will would LOVE to be in a rodeo!!! how fun!!! Thanks for your brilliant thinking :)
    Happy Spring Break!
