Monday, August 23, 2010

Starting Over

I simply cannot believe how long it as been since I posted. But here we are, again.

To erase any questions about the title, I haven't fallen off the wagon. But I still need a reboot.

So my summer in a nutshell: had three glorious weeks off in June although that was so long ago, I don't remember them. I then started a crazy, hectic graduate program which shook up every schedule and routine that I had put into place that was working. I then spent a bit over two weeks in Europe with school and then my mom and sister. Then I returned home, had one day off, went back to work. Then this past weekend, I traveled to Las Vegas for a wedding of a childhood friend. Then today, I started the new school year. During all this I juggled a new guy (who is patient and kind and luckily appreciates a busy woman), my workouts, my diet and somehow my sanity.

So how did my weight loss survive this crazy hurricane of a summer? It just did. I didn't lose crazy pounds this summer but somehow I lost a ton of inches. At my last measurement session, I had lost something like 7 or 8 inches total from all over my body. I have never had that kind of inches loss. It was astonishing. I was proud.

So here I am. I am going to reboot. I need new routines. Everything that I knew last year, everything that worked to get me almost 100 pounds lighter, has changed. I now have a job that I love that I am going to focus on. I now have a boyfriend who I want to spend time with. I now have other things in my life that I want to focus on as well as working out, eating right and all that jazz.

And what I have to realize is that it's OK to have these other priorities as well. I still have to put myself high on the list. I still have to make myself workout. I still have to watch what I eat and listen to my body. But I can live my life as well. I worked so hard last year so that my quality of life would be better. And now that it is, I am going to enjoy that new quality of life.

But that being said, this journey isn't over for me. It's just going to take a new path. I'm going to take what has worked and reshape it into a new look, a new time table and maybe some new activities. My new job is going to keep me at school long past my job last year did. I am going to have to work with this. Some evenings I might want to visit my guy, instead of two hours at the gym and I will have to work around this. These things aren't bad. These things aren't taking away from my success or my drive and desire to reach my goals. They are just going to reshape the way I do things.

Life is about change. My life changed when I set out on this journey nearly a year ago. I have changed. I have found a confidence and a light in myself that I had faked for many years. I don't fake it anymore. And its because of that confidence that I have found that I believe that I can succeed still, even with a life that looks a little different from that of the past.

And amazingly, I am OK with this. I am comfortable with this change. I am excited about finding new routines and patterns. I am excited about finding a little more flexibility in my life to actually enjoy life. I needed last year's structure and strict dedication. I needed it to get over the hump. But now, I can still be successful with doing things a little different.

Change is not bad, its just different. And just like all the other changes I have made in my life, these are going to be the right ones. The tide is always continuing to turn.

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