Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hello, This is your wake-up call...

I know I haven't written in awhile and there are a lot of reasons for that. I could tell you its been so busy at work. I could tell you that its because I haven't had anything to say. I could tell you a lot of things. But the truth is - I haven't been real on track. Since I started this job last August, I have somewhat lost my way with my weight loss. Now, I haven't jumped off the wagon and gained all my weight back. In fact, I have kept most everything off. In the cast of full disclosure, I have put about ten back on. But I just lost my motivation. I got caught up in my busy schedule and my busy life. I got caught up in debate tournaments each weekend and musical rehearsals each afternoon. I got caught up in dating and life. I struggled. I couldn't find my motivation. I was wired and caught up in a new life at a new school that I loved. I love my life completely but I lost me a bit. And then the call call - the metaphorical call that is. I broke my foot. I know this sounds strange as how in the world could an injury possibly be the plateau buster that I was looking for - but it has been. I went from being completely independent and being able to do Zuma and cycle whenever I wanted to someone who could barely walk (with a walker) and who had to crawl up the stairs each night to go to bed. Not to mention - had to come down the stairs each morning on my butt. Showers became a challenge because standing on one leg gets tiring really fast. Doing anything at home meant using my walker to hop along. Even getting to the car to go to school each morning would elicit a sweat. And somewhere early on - I decided this is NOT what I wanted to be like. Yes, I am having a hard time getting around because I gracefully broke a metatarsal on my right foot - but I'm really having a hard time getting around because I am still carrying a lot of extra weight on my body. Yes, I have come a long way. But the simple truth is that I am still carrying around an extra 100 pounds. And that makes hoping with all my weight on my arms tough. I have also had another revelation. As much as a I moan and whine about working out from time to time --- or a lot -- this fall, I do love it. I love that it's an easy way to relieve stress. I love that it gives me an outlet. And I've realized that I desperately miss it. I miss being able to get my bike, strap on my helmet and just go. I miss the feeling of my legs pumping as I leave miles behind me on country roads. I'm counting down the days until I can be back on my Greta (my bike). I can't wait to until I can go back to Zumba. I signed up for a 27-mile bike ride for diabetes which is on my birthday in September. It gives me something to look forward to. I had to let go of my triathlon as it falls only two weeks after I should get completely released from my ortho. So I needed another goal - another something to look forward to. I've also been checking out aerobics schedules for the new gym opening really close to my house Saturday. I can't wait to get back in there and start earning my sweat again. Before this happened, I was completely lost. I had gotten off track and had gotten comfortable. I had forgotten why I started the entire journey in the first place. Well, sometimes God has to pull out the big signs to get us back on track. And this time - I read the billboard.

1 comment:

  1. Willa, I am so glad you are noticing God's signs! And, I'm very glad you posted this because, honestly, I have been too comfortable in my own life and not pushing myself enough to exercise! I know everyone needs to exercise, but I've been telling myself for too long that I'm too busy to fit it in, even though I know it can always be worked in schedules somehow. Maybe your post was God's billboard to me! Thanks ;)
