Sunday, March 1, 2009

Auditioning for The Biggest Loser - Thoughts and Realizations

So, its 11:01 and I didn't receive a (callback) phone call. But you know, its alright. I am actually ok with not making it on the show. I think just going through the audition process taught me so much and very possibly changed my life.

As I stood this morning, in the 39 degree temperature, for four hours, I looked around at the hundreds of people around me. SO many of the people had no hope. No hope in the change they could do for themselves. You could see it in the way they stood, the way they moved, the way they talked. And as I looked around, I realized that is is not who I want to be, ever. We sit at home and watch the Biggest Loser and see the miracle results. But what we somehow manage to not notice is that the change comes from inside the contestants. It doesn't matter who the trainer is yelling at them on the treadmill, each person has their own power.

So as much fun as it would be to be on "the ranch", I have the power right here. I think I have always known this. But there is something in me now that helped me get a hold of it, to grasp it. I have lost 12 pounds in the past month, by working out and eating right (Weight Watchers). I have this power... we all have this power. I am going to start using mine now.

I don't know if I will ever be at a place again where applying for the show makes sense, but I do feel that just going through the audition changed me. I am so excited to be on a plan already. So excited to go to the gym tomorrow. So excited to do what I have been doing and add to it.

It's amazing to me the lessons that God teaches us in weird places. I went to auditions today wanting to be on a television show. I walked away with a few new friends (spent the last two hours texting with one!) and a whole new outlook. Maybe that was what "his" plan was for me all along.

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