Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Climb

For my birthday several weeks ago, I got a gift card to ITunes. So last week, I sat down to download some new songs and create my perfect workout Soundtrack. Most of the songs are upbeat, fast paced and are songs that motivate me to push harder on the elliptical machine or whatever I am doing while I am listening to it.

Except for the last song on my play list. It's my motivational song. It's my cool down song, although I often find myself listening to it at the beginning of each workout and then going back to the beginning.

And while I am embarrassed to admit the artist, I am not embarrassed that the lyrics of the song speak to me. They seem to sum up my journey and my battle with my weight for all these years. The song, by Miley Cyrus, truly describes -

The Climb.

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

We all have it. We all have that self-sabotage gene - that little pesky guy that sits there and tells us that the job is too hard, that it hurts too much, that it doesn't matter. And in my situation, where I have so much to lose, I have let that pesky self-sabotage do his job again and again. I have believed him when he said "You'll never reach it." Even 7 years ago, when I lost nearly 100 pounds by eating right and dieting, I left him win in the end. I changed jobs, my life got crazy and I gave up. But I believe this time is different. And when I hear that little fellow start his crazy talk, I have to remember that listening to him has gotten me no where. It's gotten me here - back at the beginning.

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

This is the point at which I have quit each time. When I have a temporary set back, its easy to quit. But this time, I have safe guarded myself against these. I know they will happen. But at the same time, I have my mom and dad going through the same battle who will lift me up. I have Adrian at the gym who I have paid a huge amount to care who is going to help me figure out the problem. When I lose my direction, this web of support I have created, will get me back on track. My support system online through my blog and through Facebook will lead me back. This time I am not wandering my path alone. I have made sure I people walking the journey with me so that we can all stay on track.

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

And this is where I am. I am going to keep trying. I am going to make those good decisions such as staying away from the dessert table at yesterday's family reunion. I am going to keep my head up when things may not go my way. I am going to celebrate each success - be in a great workout or a good weigh-in. I am going to stay positive about the uphill battle that I am on. I am going to enjoy the sore muscles and occasional aches. I am going to appreciate that The Climb is what is going to keep me honest and in the end is what is going to bring me the most pride. If it was too easy, I wouldn't take it seriously. And my health and my future are definitely things to take seriously.

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

I'm going to remember why I started this journey. I am going to remember that I didn't get to this place quickly and that I am not going to get to my new me quickly either. I am going to keep being strong, even when it means a trip to the gym when I am bone weary and exhausted. I simply - as the song says - going to just keep pushing on.


  1. Kendra,

    I so feel your pain and want you to know that if you ever need encouragement, I would love to be part of the web that catches you BEFORE you fall. I admire you and find your comments and optimism an inspiration in my life. Thank you for sharing.


  2. Thank you for finally admitting "my health and my future are definitely things to take seriously." I have been trying to get you to see that for years but gave up each time when I felt it would possibly hurt your feelings.
    Even though the road ahead seems long, I hope you will look at it in steps...Keep losing 10 lbs and before you know it, you'll be where you want! Also, know that you're not the first to undertake this task, and there are many testimonies around of people who have lost >100#! And believe me, you won't be the last! And yes, the task may seem never-ending, but this is how you need to eat for the rest of your life. If you set your sights on returning to fast food, you'll gain your weight back in no time!
    I am glad for you that you have a wonderful support system and trainer! I wish you the best and I hope that this journey will be as easy as possible!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kendra-

    You have a wonderful way with words that resonate in my soul when I read them. You are saying things that I feel and it is amazing to hear that someone else feels the same things I do. I am in the same boat as you I have chosen to get my journey going again. That really is what it is, a choice. We have to make the choice to eat healthy or to eat junk. It is entirely up to us. From now I on have decided to choose the right path. I look forward to seeing your success!

