Sunday, September 23, 2012

What I've learned....

So here I am. I've lost nearly 75 pounds, which is about a third of the way I need to go to get to my goal weight. And this time feels different. Of course, the previous times I've lost weight, I've felt good. I enjoyed the exercise benefits and the smaller clothes sizes. But those changes were temporary that time. I look back and I don't know if I really learned the lessons I needed to learn to finish the goal - and sustain it once I got there. I want to think this time is different. So here are a few things that I've learned.

1) Exercise is important - but its not an all or nothing equation.
         In the past, I worked out 5-7 times a week. I would take it very hard if something got into the way of my daily workouts. In my warped sense, if I missed any workouts - at the gym - I simply failed my goals that day. But lets face it - that is unrealistic and NOT something we can live as a lifestyle change. There are going to be booster club meetings and debate tournaments. There are goign to be family social gatherings and birhtday parties. And those things are part of living my life. So yes, exercise is important and I love the benefits, but I'm not a failure if I don't go 5 times a week. Everytime I exercise is a success and is helping me towards my goal. I still play about 4 workouts a week. And when the stars align and my kids get picked up on time, etc, I go to the gym and do Zumba or aqua aerobics or the treadmill or Bodypump or whatever is happening that day. But sometimes, that doesn't happen. And when it doesn't, I come home and walk in my neighborhood for 30 minutes with the dogs. It still burns calories. I don't have to drive to do it. And my dogs are happy. And it clears my head. And its still a success. Exercise isn't an all or nothing thing. One time is better than nothing. A thirty minute walk around the neighborhood is a success. It's not about marking the boxes off my calendar that garners the success. It's about moving my body and seeing the results.

2) Food is my friend - not my enemy.
           As my Facebook feed shows, I'm a little obessed with cooking right now. My sister told me the other day that "this time my food doesn't suck." At first, I was a little offended but she has a point. I don't cook "diet" food this time. I just cook good food that happens to fit into a healthier eating lifestyle. I have found spices. And I love them. And I've gotten into the habit of cooking. I went grocery shopping last weekend and while putting up groceries when I got home, I realized how much my habits have changed. I had very few things to put into the pantry. Most of what I bought - my weekend groceries - went into the fridge and freezer. It was eye-opening. I wasn't putting processed foods into my pantry. And while in the grocery store, I dind't even notice it. I'm so in a good routine now in the grocery store. I spend a lot of time in the deli and in the produce section. I do shop the outer aisles of the store. I have a new personal game I play where I try to buy one fruit or veggie each week that the cashier will have to ask me what it is. The weeks I can stump them with two are great weeks! I've also enjoyed diving into the world of low-carb cooking and figuring out ways to use my favorite ingredients in a new way. It's an adventure. And its an adventure that I am enjoying the heck out of. I mean really - who would have ever imagined I would be making pizza crust from cauliflower!

3) Planning really is the key.
         I know I've known this a long time. But planning takes time. But with my lifestyle - and probably all of your lifestyles - I am never going to be successful with weight loss without heavy duty planning. Baggies are my friend. I cook a lot ahead and I pre-package in baggies that go into my top drawer in the fridge. I plan meals and I try to take stuff out of the freezer before I leave. I joined a veggie co-op which delivers veggies every other week. I take my lunch each day. On Friday's and Saturday's, I pack my big lunch kit. I pack lunch and dinner. I pack snacks. I pack tea bags and sweet-n-low. I prepare for the long tournament weekend. And I eat out of my lunch kit. If the tournament has veggies in the hosptaility room, I'll eat veggies. But other than that, I eat from my lunch kit. It's working. And I'm not going to lie, there is a certain sense of accomplishment when I actually stay away from the sweets. My life is crazy busy. But I want my life to be long. And so while its busy now, I have to keep planning so that it can be busy for years to come.

These are incredibly simple life lessons. But they are making the huge difference for me right now.

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